The new CPT code is:" 0278T Transcutaneous electrical modulation pain reprocessing (e.g., scrambler therapy), each treatment session (includes placement of electrodes)."
The AMA continues with the definition of the CPT III code:
However, the assignment of a CPT Category III code to a service does not indicate that it is experimental or of limited utility, but only that the service or technology is new and is being tracked for data collection. In the Final Rule for the 2002 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (Federal Register, Thursday, November 1, 2001), the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) stated that they believed that Category III codes will serve a useful purpose and that payment for the service is at the discretion of the Carriers, but that the codes could be paid after entered into the computer systems. Local payment determination is reasonable for Category III CPT codes. It is not reasonable to categorically deny payment for CPT Category III codes since they are effectively more specific, more functional versions of unlisted codes which many payers cover with appropriate documentation.
The AMA continues:
Once payment policies are established of a Category III Code, the need for documentation will be minimized since Category III Codes are associated with unique and specific descriptions of the service or procedure. Since Category III codes are part of the CPT code set, all health care payers must be able to accept Category III codes into their systems to comply with the standards for transactions and code sets under HIPAA. |